Why Rare Disease?

Challenges in Healthcare: Addressing the Rare Disease Dilemma
Rare diseases, often overlooked and underrepresented in the healthcare industry, pose a substantial challenge. The complexity of such conditions, coupled with their low prevalence, leads to a myriad of obstacles in diagnosis, treatment, and support for those affected.

Rare Diseases in China?

The Central People’s Government made an announcement on September 18, 2023, regarding the release of the "Second List of Rare Diseases." This updated list encompasses a total of 86 rare diseases. When combined with the 121 rare diseases listed in the "First List of Rare Diseases" published in May 2018, the current tally of rare diseases in China amounts to 207. Among these 207 rare diseases are conditions such as spinocerebellar ataxias, Huntington's Disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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