About Us

What are Rare Diseases?

Rare diseases (RDs) are a global health-care problem with an estimated 400 to 700 million people affected worldwide. There are around 7000–10,000 rare diseases that have been identified.  (Genetics in Medicine volume 23, pages 2194–2201 (2021))
400M to 700M
People Affected
7000 – 10,000
Rare Diseases Identified

What do we work on?

Short Tandem Repeat Rare Disease (STRRD) mechanisms illustrate the process by which pathogenic repeat expansions in DNA can lead to rare diseases.

DNA Repeat Expansion

The graphic shows how increasing lengths of short tandem repeats (such as CAG) in DNA can lead to disease.
  • Normal repeats are depicted in green.
  • As the repeats expand, they are shown in yellow and red, indicating increasing instability.

Gene Transcription

  • The expanded repeats are transcribed into RNA.
  • The RNA produced from these expanded repeats can misfold, forming hairpin loops.

Cellular Dysfunction

  • This misfolded RNA can aberrantly recruit proteins, leading to cellular dysfunction.
  • The misfolded RNA and abnormal protein interactions are key mechanisms in the onset of disease symptoms.
RNA Misfolding
Abberant Recruitment of Proteins


Prof. Edwin Chan
An expert neuroscientist and geneticist working on rare neurological disease research since 1999.
Dr. Maggie Leong
An experienced chemical biologist specializing in structure-based drug design.
Dr. Aldrin Yim
An experienced neuroscientist and geneticist with a focus on cutting-edge genome sequencing technologies.

Our Vision

  • Establish a best-in-class peptide biologic screening platform for STR rare diseases (STRRDs)
  • Co-develop first-in-class innovative peptide biologics for STRRDs with pharmaceutical companies
  • Develop comprehensive/ fast turn-around-time STRRDs diagnostic service in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Southeast Asian regions to facilitate early disease detection in the population
  • Establish best-in-class STRRD patient database and cell repository for in-house therapeutic development or in-part sell to other therapeutic/pharmaceutic companies


Supported by
A member company of ITF Technology Start-up Support
Scheme for Universities (TSSSU)
A member company of HKSTP Incu-Bio Programme